- Helping a Telecommunications company make sense of the Technical Operations of its competitors.

Table of Contents
Competitive Intelligence Case Study with Org Charts
An initially “simple” project became more complicated than it seemed, but that was no problem for our expert Research and Competitive Intelligence Teams.
A Telecommunications company asked for our help to make sense of the technical operations of its competitors. Specifically, we were asked to outline and provide details and insights of how their competitor’s Technical Operations team was structured and how it interacted with the rest of the enterprise.
Early in the process, we found that our hypothesis of how things at that competitor “should be organized” did not match the reality.
To complete the project successfully, we needed to to educate the client and facilitate dialogue to hone in on the exact scope of results they were seeking.
Process & Outcome
When we started our research, we quickly determined that not all Technical Operations teams were “created equal”. We had thought there would be singular executive in charge of Technical Operations, but instead we confirmed that leadership of the function was distributed across many regions rather than being centralized under a particular leader.
We directly collaborated with our client to discuss our findings, discussing benchmark profiles to ensure we had a thorough understanding of how that competitor organized this function. That helped us “compare apples to apples” and allowed us produce results that met our client’s needs and completed the engagement successfully.

1. Finding Truly Accurate Comparisons for Our Client
After we gained a thorough understanding of how the competitor organized its Technical Operations, we were able to “compare apples to apples. This allowed us to produce results that met our client’s needs.
2. Delivered Data That Helped Our Client Optimize Their Own Technical Operations
By delivering accurate data about how the competitor’s Technical Operations teams were structured and how it interacted with the rest of the enterprise, our client was able to make important business decisions.
3. Detailed Research Notes
All Corporate Navigators research results includes extra details upon discovery. This information goes beyond the essential contact information and basic responsibilities of a name. These details further assist our clients as they take a deeper look into how their competitor operates.
Competitive Intelligence and Org Charts
If you need to discover business information through our Competitive Intelligence services or map out the structure of an external company with organizational charts, Corporate Navigators can help. Just send us a message through the contact us button below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.